What is poverty and how does it affect what happens in the rain forest?

Poverty is when a certain group of people don't have enough money to pay for the resources their family need. This affects the rain forest because, it is one of the main reasons of deforestation. People in poverty cut down trees for lumber, farming land and much more all for money. Some people find it amazing that others don't have enough money to by food and water but these people are willing to do anything for money. Sugar cane is one of Brazil's main cash crops, so most of the land that people in poverty clear is to grow sugar cane. These people are forced to use the land on which the rainforest stands because the richer class of people take all the land that surrounds the rainforest. Sometimes they even pay the poor people to clear land for them. I think that all nations should take this matter into their hands because the rain forests are the lungs of the earth. If all the trees are cut down then the animals will have no place to live and the whole rainforest ecosystem will be in jeopardy. Plus all the secrets in the rainforest will disappear and never be identified. People don't understand that we could not live with out the rainforest and I think that our first step in saving the rainforest is finding an answer to solving poverty.
           - Maanasa Nathan