Eco-Tourism and the Rainforest

How can Eco-tourism help/hurt the Rainforest?

Eco-tourism is tourism where people observe wildlife and learn about the environment. They also make very little impact on the environment, and can preserve it. Eco-tourism is bad and good for the rainforest. A good thing that Eco-tourism does for the environment is that when tourists come they influences others to come and support the rainforest too. Tourists can also donate money to preserving acres of the rainforest, which can really help to stop deforestation in that area. Though Eco-tourism helps the rainforest, it also can hurt it.Tourists might not give money which is okay, but they might hurt the rainforest. They might not clean up there messes, or they could alter the natural behavior of animals. The Tourists might pollute the air or do something that is related to the destruction of the rainforest. Eco-tourism has its ups and downs, it isn't just good or bad, but it is a factor that affects the rainforest.